Karnott, a start-up created in 2016, was looking to develop its sales activity in France and wanted to hire new Business Developers. It already had 3 Sales Representatives and 1 Sales Manager in place.
Karnott, a start-up created in 2016, was looking to develop its sales activities in France and wanted to hire new Business Developers. It already had 3 Sales Representatives and 1 Sales Manager in place.
MG Consultants responded with a process that involved gaining a deeper understanding of the company’s corporate culture and challenges, and determining the potential candidate’s ideal professional and soft skills to match them with the job offer and with Karnott company values. To successfully complete the assignment, the agency built up a strong relationship with the start-up to ensure maximum responsiveness.
MG provided support in 3 stages: 1. The team started with an in-depth interview to find out more about the company’s founders, its vision and its business plan. The next step was to determine the company’s recruitment needs and the ideal profile for the new sales managers, including professional and soft skills. 2. Once the job profile had been determined, the team prepared a headhunting strategy based on its network of candidates, platforms and social media.
Résultats du projets
In August 2019, Karnott hired 9 new Business Developers and the agency continues to provide recruitment support to meet the company’s growth needs. The client appreciated the agency’s responsiveness and its understanding of what was needed both in terms of matching the candidates’ personalities with a start-up environment and their sales skills.